Tuesday, April 14, 2009

You will follow me!!

Then, drawn by, sense of irresistible certainty, she found herself descending the stairs, slipping away from the crowd, not toward the platform and the exist but, into the darkness of the abandoned tunnels.

You will follow me, she thought – and felt as if the thought were not in words, but in the tension of her muscles, the tension of her will to accomplish a thing, she knew to be outside her power, yet she knew with certainty that it would be accomplished and by her wish…no, she thought not by her wish, but by its total rightness. You will follow me – it was neither plea nor prayer not demand, but the quiet statement of fact, it contained whole of her power of knowledge and whole of the knowledge of the she had earned through the years. You will follow me, if we are what we are, you and I, if we live, if world exists, if you know the meaning of this moment and can’t let it slip by, as others let it slip, into the senselessness of the unwilled and unreached. You will follow me – she felt as exultant assurance, which was neither hope nor faith, but an act of worship for the logic of existence.

Ayn Rand, Atlas shrugged


sunilsamuel said...

cooool :)

आशुतोष कर said...

pratima when u finish the book tell me wht happened in last 300 pages.....i ve ben reading it since 2002.

too much of ayn rand i guess!