“So what does “home” mean for me?
I guess…it’s the one place I can be dressed in pajamas all day long; where the cook doesn’t raise his eyebrows if I have ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner ( no, I’ve never actually done that!); where I can leave my paint brushes to dry alongside my toothbrush and where I don’t have to ask permission to use the oven at 2am for firing porcelain bowls that I decorated with ceramic paint the night before. It’s where I can be rude to my house partner yet neither he nor I can throw the other out. Where we mute all the T.V. commercials and instead of being polite about watching mindless junk, we can have furious arguments; where I can have guests who irritate me rather than be the one who irritates my host; where I am the one whose signature is requested by couriers who wake me up in the afternoons.
In short, it’s the place where I can behave badly to my heart’s content! A rare and pleasurable treat."