Friday, November 23, 2007

fantastic collection

During my project work I met one lady who has fantastic
collection of varoius traditional things and products she
collected while travelling across the world. She has collcetion 
of antiques, hand fans, tops, lamps, bells, toys, paper aeroplanes,
masks, fossils which she collceted while trekk. 
very impressive lady with varied interests !!! 

Tea strainer from North East                        Various hand fans

            Knitted comb                                   Whistle as a pendent

      Japanese cherry top                               Fossils of sea creatures 

  Carry your own lamp                         leather puppets 

This is the coolest one !!                                             
To pick up bati from lamp which we light in front of god.

                          Variuos masks    

Aeroplanes out of paper by her son          Sticks which we use to tie bun